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Turning good ideas into great products

We bring elegance and beauty together with speed and performance to craft high quality products, innovations and user experiences. From eyewear and projectors to supercars and high performance boats, our rich diversity in work has prepared us to take on any challenge – from sketch to final product.


We believe good product design is the result of a successful process – that is why we have meticulously developed ours over the span of 35 years, always learning and growing from our experiences. Our process demands continuous adherence and trust with great communication between interdisciplinary team members, all in pursuit for perfection.


Lean product development with design for manufacturing is a cornerstone in our design philosophy and a crucial process for making better products at a lower cost.

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Our logo is crafted to represent our process, a quality stamp that will constantly remind us of always moving forward; Passion Powers Progress.

a passionate work environment

Our crew consist of over 30 highly engaged and motivated individuals, in a young, creative, high paced working environment. We give great minds the opportunity to innovate, challenge preconceived concepts, and continue to grow and learn .

If you have our kind of passion, we want to hear from you.


Hydrolift X-28 DC Coming Soon!

Design and development process of the upcoming Hydrolift X-28 DC.

Eker Design og Safeback har mottatt Red Dot Award for Safeback SBX

Eker Design har siden 2018 samarbeidet med Safeback teamet for å kombinere sin unike kompetanse innenfor design, engineering,…

Eker Design og Wilfa har mottatt Red Dot Award for Wilfa ProBaker

Eker Design og Wilfa har mottatt både Red Dot Award og iF Design award for Wilfa ProBaker!

Red Dot Mill Invisible WiFi Gen 3 Panel Heater og WiFi Convection Heater

Eker Design og Mill har igjen innledet et kraftfullt samarbeid for å sette en trend i designlandskapet for…

Eker Design og Mill har mottatt Red Dot Award for Mill AirPurifier!

Eker Design og Mill har hatt et tett samarbeid med mål om å utvikle en banebrytende luftrenser. Eker…

Bygger redningsskøyte for fremtiden

Hydrolift har nå startet arbeidet med en helt ny redningsskøyte i sin fabrikk i Fredrikstad. Fartøyet inneholder flere…

Industry incubator focused on design-driven value creation

Eker Express is an industry-program where Eker Design together with Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling supports design-driven value creation for both small and large businesses in industry.

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